Solving ThePrimeagen's favorite interview question

For non-tom-level-genius nor lawnmowers
Jasper Vigo Concepcion
August 03, 2023

I've been a viewer of ThePrimeagen for quite some time now, and occasionally he mentions his favorite interview question, Async Request Queue

I may not be a lawnmower or a genius like Tom, but I, for one, am a senior software engineer at some startup, and I am very confident I can solve this problem.

First, let's identify the criteria for this question:

  1. It's a queue, a first in, first out data structure
  2. You enqueue a promise factory
  3. You must be able to return the promise when you enqueue
  4. There can only be 3 maximum running task at the same time

Now let's go over it one by one, note that we're writing this in everyone's favorite language:TypeScript 🤮

  1. The ideal data structure for FIFO is a linked list, but linked list doesn't exist in TS so we have to write our own.
  2. We're going to make a class AsyncRequestQueue that has a method enqueue and some private method #next, #run.
  3. In JS, a promise means it's already executed and there is no way to hold it, that's why we have to wrap it into a function () => Promise<T> before passing it to enqueue.
  4. Last item can be solved easily by simply book keeping. We'll just take maxRunningTask as parameter to our constructor and also add pending: number property to class AsyncRequestQueue.

Our scuff TS LinkedList

We only need these 2 methods (pushFront, popBack) for this, I chose this naming scheme from Rust's LinkedList because JS's Array.shift sounds stupid.

// linked-list.ts type LinkedListNode<T> = { value: T; next?: LinkedListNode<T>; }; export class LinkedList<T> { head?: LinkedListNode<T>; tail?: LinkedListNode<T>; length: number; constructor() { this.length = 0; } pushFront(value: T): T { const node: LinkedListNode<T> = { value }; if (!this.head || !this.tail) { this.head = node; } else { = node; } this.tail = node; this.length++; return node.value; } popBack(): T | undefined { if (!this.head) { return undefined; } const node = this.head; this.head =; this.length--; if (!this.length) { this.tail = undefined; } return node.value; } }

Async Request Queue

Now I'm not gonna explain this line by line. Chances are, you are a programmer, and you know how to code. If not, then why the hell are you even here?

// async-request-queue.ts import { LinkedList } from "./linked-list"; export class AsyncRequestQueue { queue: LinkedList<() => Promise<void> | void>; maxRunningTask: number; pending: number; constructor(maxRunningTask: number) { this.queue = new LinkedList(); this.maxRunningTask = maxRunningTask; this.pending = 0; } async enqueue<T>(task: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { return new Promise<T>((resolve) => { this.queue.pushFront(() => { this.pending++; try { const result = task(); resolve(result); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { this.#next(); } }); this.#run(); }); } #next() { this.pending--; this.#run(); } #run() { if (this.pending < this.maxRunningTask && this.queue.length > 0) { const task = this.queue.popBack(); task?.(); } } }

Running the code

// index.ts import { AsyncRequestQueue } from "./async-request-queue"; async function delayByMs(ms: number, id: string): Promise<number> { console.log("queued", id, ms); return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { console.log("finished", id, ms); resolve(ms); }, ms); }); } async function main() { const q = new AsyncRequestQueue(3); q.enqueue(() => delayByMs(1000, "a")); q.enqueue(() => delayByMs(3000, "b")); q.enqueue(() => delayByMs(1100, "c")); q.enqueue(() => delayByMs(10000, "d")); const weCanAwait = q.enqueue(() => delayByMs(3000, "e")); q.enqueue(() => delayByMs(3000, "f")); console.log("awaited e", await weCanAwait); } main().then();

That's it, it should output the following:

queued a 1000
queued b 3000
queued c 1100
queued d 10000
queued e 3000
queued f 3000
finished a 1000
finished c 1100
finished b 3000
finished e 3000
awaited 3000
finished f 3000
finished d 10000

Now that's how you do it, but... In an interview scenario, you'll probably want to suggest improvements or the interviewer might ask it to you. Here are a few improvements I can think of:

  • Abort signal, in this scenario there would be a race condition against running tasks.
  • EventEmitter, you can extend class AsyncRequestQueue with Node.js' class EventEmitter so that clients can subscribe to events that you'll implement.
  • Priority Queue.
  • Dequeue (we did not implement it in class AsyncRequestQueue).


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Self Plug

Hi gamers! I'm Jasper, a senior software engineer with more than 5 years of dev experience. I primarily code in TypeScript 🤮, I know a bit of Rust, and I type on a Lily58, a column staggered split keyboard. I use arch and code in neovim btw